Automate your business and save time with our services

Automate repetitive tasks, save time and gain the trust of your customers  

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Automatitzacio Processos

Tired of repetitive tasks that take up valuable time?

At Yapplic, we offer a wide range of automation services that will help you save time, improve efficiency and increase sales for your business.

  • Email automation
  • Whatsapp messages 
  • Automation of social media 
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Calendar management
  • Follow up of leads

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Benefits of automation

Saves time

Automation frees you from repetitive tasks so you can focus on what really matters.

Improve efficiency

Automated processes are more efficient than manual processes, saving you time and money.

Increase sales

Automation helps you generate more leads, close more sales and build customer loyalty.

Improve customer service

Automation allows you to provide better customer service by answering their questions and requests more quickly and efficiently.

Automated services

Email automation  

  • Automatically send welcome emails to new customers.
  • Schedule appointment and event reminders.
  • Launch personalized email marketing campaigns.
  • Generate detailed reports of your email marketing campaigns.

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Automatització del correu electrònic
Automatitzaió WhatsApp

Sending WhatsApp messages

  • Automatically send appointment reminders to your clients.
  • Request reviews from your customers after a purchase or service.
  • Congratulate your customers on their birthday.
  • Send exclusive promotional offers to your whatsapp customers.

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Automation of social networks

  • Automatically post to your social networks.
  • Respond to comments and messagesinstantly.
  • Monitor online conversations about your brand.
  • Generate detailed reports of your activity on social networks.

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Xarxes socials
Scheduling appointments

Scheduling appointments

  • Allow your customers to book appointments online 24/7.
  • Reduce no-shows and optimize your time.
  • Automatically send appointment reminders to your clients.
  • Integrate your appointment scheduling system with your calendar.

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Calendar management

  • Automatically reserve meeting rooms and other resources.
  • Coordinate your employees' schedules.
  • Avoid scheduling conflicts.
  • Automatically send event reminders to your employees.

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Captació Leads

Follow up of leads  

  • Automatically capture and store your leads' data.
  • Segment your leads by interests and behaviors.
  • Nurture your leads with relevant content.
  • Convert your leads into customers.


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Personalized service

We work with you to understand your specific needs and goals

Team of experts

We have a team of experienced professionals who will help you get the most out of your e-commerce

Results-based approach

We focus on helping you achieve your marketing goals

Competitive prices

We offer competitive prices for our services

Are you ready to start automating your business?

Don't wait any longer! Start automating your business today and enjoy all the benefits that automation has to offer.